My 99 Cents

Bad Men Made Me Do It
August 14, 2007, 5:36 am
Filed under: politics
this is from "Tapped, the Group Blog of the American
Prospect."  i saw it cited by Eric Alterman in his own
blog, Altercations. so i stole it too!
rapidly turning into the grand unified Republican
scandal of 2007, GOP State Rep. Bob Allen today
explained his recent arrest for paying $20 to preform
oral sex on an undercover cop by explaining that the
guy was big, and black and he thought he "was about to
be a statistic." Really. "This was a pretty stocky
black guy, and there was nothing but other black guys
around in the park," said Allen. This has been
reported in a lot of places, but I haven't seen anyone
make the point that this is pretty revealing about
Republican principles. Allen, who has vowed to run for
reelection, thinks that the cost of appearing to be
ridiculously racist is worth it if he is not seen as
soliciting a man in a park. Sadly, he's probably
right. It also manages to wrap up almost every kind of
Republican scandal of the last few months: corruption
(he asked the police if it would help that he was a
state legislator), sex, racism, and the collapse of
McCain's campaign (Allen was co-Chair for him in

--Sam Boyd  

2 Comments so far
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wow!!! thats a unique defense!!

Comment by az

I jus’ don’t get it. That ain’t nuthin’ outta line with a tipical frat hazin’ . . . , uh, not that I ever done nuthin’ like that or nuthin’. Jus’ sayin’, thats all.

Comment by Dubya

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